Interfaith Group

Madina Institute’s Interfaith group is a group of open-minded Muslims who works towards building relationships with those of other faiths in Gwinnett.

Vision & Mission

The vision of Madina Institute’s Interfaith group is to promote understanding of Islam among people of other faiths.

The mission of Madina Institute’s Interfaith group is to partner with synagogues, churches, and other places of worship to engage in community service projects and interfaith dialogue for the sake of God and fellowship.

Projects & Activities

The group has already hosted various local public school students and Gwinnett government employees. Representatives of the group attended Gwinnett county’s Dinner and Dialogue with Commissioner Charlotte Nash. The group represented MI at Gwinnett Policy Department’s Multicultural Festival.

The group also hosted a Gwinnett Department of Transportation MARTA forum. It gave the DOT an opportunity to see its voting constituents and the congregation a chance to learn more about the MARTA vote.

The group is currently working on a Library project to add books by Muslim authors and books that accurately describe Islam to the Gwinnett County Public Library system. The group is also working on coordinating a Breakfast for Firefighters.

The group is coordinating with Gwinnett Interfaith Alliance to plan an Interfaith Educational Panel for various Christian, Jewish, and Muslim congregations.

Lead contact: Umber Hanief 678 267 5997